I don't write since the last week! I am so sorry but I am so busy...
I arrived to San Francisco on Saturday (was 1.30am SF time and 4.30am NY time). My flight was delayed 7 HOURS. I was in the airport (with the other 2 girls) for 9 hours. Yes, it's CRAZY. So we had our flight (the first one) in Friday at 3.30pm, when we arrived to the airport it was delayed 3 hours (until 6.30pm)... Then when we were waiting in front of the gate, was delayed 1 more hour (7.45pm)... And then 2 more hours (9.15pm).. and finally until 10.05pm and 10.30pm. (NY time). The flight was 6.30 hours (I'm not sure). I was feeling so bad... I don't know why, but was a moment that I almost vomit.
(Stina and Zee... waiting at the airport).
So, I arrived at SF and my host dad was waiting for me. He hugged to me. He drove to home, but first he asked to me if I wanted to see the city at night. Was so beautiful.
When we arrived at home he asked if I was hungry (I was) and he made me a roasted sandwich with cheese and ham! Delicious.
My host mom woke up and she also hugged to me. They asked me how was my flight and all this stuff.
I called my dad by Skype to say that always was fine!
We spent together the weekend, going to make me a Bank account, seeing the city, walking a little, giving me a new cellphone (iPhone! :D:D:D). On sunday we went to Union Square.
On sunday night, we talked about my schedule for the first 2 weeks.
It's a photo with one heart in the corner of the Square! :)
On Monday I started working at 10am to 6pm. Was good. My host parents were at home. On Tuesday I spent more time alone with the baby. (Nothing important to say..). I also had the Au Pair Care Meeting. IT WAS A JOKE. I mean, I thought that we'd meet somewhere, and then we'd go somewhere to talk.. but no. The meeting was in the Mall... and there, you only have to sign... Talk with the girls, go for dinner... WEIRD. I like it.. but it was not what I thought.
And today.. I had a BAD day... All started great. I met with a german Au Pair to go for a walk and talk and that things, but then my day turned dark. I have to say that I miss so much my family and friends. I spent almost the whole day with my friends and now I'm feeling alone.
Today my schedule was from 1.00pm to 9.30pm. The baby at 2.30 started to cry and I didnt know how to calm down her... I was so frustrated, trying everything: Sing, make weird sounds, talking to her, going outside, playing, putting her in the Swing... ANYTHING. So there was a moment where I was like... what I am doing here?. The mom was in her room and I had to go to her.. I knocked the door, she opened, I gave her the baby and I started crying. I was feeling so bad... For me and fot the baby.
I had that crying where you can't talk, because is like anxiety.. Really.. SO BAD.
The mom calmed down her and all was ok... Then she had to go because she had an appointment but first she asked to me if I wanted that she canceled the appointment.. So sweet... And telling me that it's normal.. That she also cryed sometime and that I didnt do anything wrong. This happens sometimes...
So that was my day... My bad bad day..
At 4.20pm I went with the baby for a walk and she was fine... and when we arrived at home at 5.20, I put her on the Swing and she fall sleep.
She goes to bed at 7pm, so I love to take care of her in that hour... because I don't have to do anything.. haha
I thought that I'd be happy, but I'm not... I don't want to say that this is not possible, because I hope to be happy here. I just want to say that sometimes, in the beggining is hard. I came here thinking that I was not going to miss anyone, but it's not like that. I think in my friends and family every second, every minute, every hour. And I miss them so much... It's hard because I still don't have friends here... It's my 4 day here.. So it's normal... I hope to find one soon...
Maybe I'll meet that german girl, Ann-Christin (she is so nice!!! :D and is also from 1991), on Sunday night to help her to dye her hair and watch the Teen Choice Awards.. (I have to say that I dont have TV in home... WEIRD.)
So that's all that I can say... Now I am feeling better.. and I just hope that the baby doesn't cry too much tomorrow... because the mom has an appointment for lunch.
Wish me goodluck!!! :D
Love youuu <3
P.S I also have to say that I have to trips planned. They gave to me for my bday a trip to OREGON!!! Because my host mom's family are from there... So I'm going to spend 4-5 days in Oregon!! I am going to go to a RODEO too!!!! I am so excited... This is in SEPTEMBER. And it's VACATION, I don't have to work... And another one in October to CHICAGO!!!! :D This is half vacation/half work... but I am so excited too!!! :D
And I can't wait to go to L.A!!!!
I've read your blog and I'll keep reading it :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun in SF and wait for me to join your adventure in California.
PS I'll be going to Oregon with my host family in September as well ;)
If you want to take a look at mine own au pair blog feel free, there is a link to easy translate everything into English ;)
ReplyDeleteHost mum was right - it is completly normal that baby cries. When I was an au-pair in the UK I looked after half a year old boy. He was crying all the time - I am telling you but after few weeks I was used to it. It is like - that you can not hear that cry but actualy you are able to hear it. (you will know what I mean later)
Everything will be better soon - youll see :).
(I am coming to US as an au-pair in less than 3 weeks - but actualy I will be located to completely diferent part of US - suburb of Philadelphia) - so I wish you a luck with your baby. As I said - everything is gonna be much better soon.
Holis!! Te escribo en español porque estoy malita y ni tengo la cabeza para pensar!! Las primeras semanas son lo peor y sobre todo teniendo un bebé. Yo cuido una niña de un año y medio (cuando llegué tenía sólo uno) y la verdad es que tiene muuuucho carácter, los primeros días creía que me iba a dar algo. Lloraba cuando se iban sus padres y después no me quería para nada. Ni comer, ni jugar... y entre eso, que echas de menos tu casa, tu familia, los amigos... lloro constante. Pero sólo hay que tener paciencia. Es un bebé y se tiene que acostumbrar a ti y lo bueno es que los padres son simpáticos y te ayudan. Ya verás, todo va a ir genial. En cuanto pasen unas semanas la niña te va a adorar. Yo no puedo despegarme de Charlotte en todo el día! Y ahora, llora cuando me voy a la escuela...
ReplyDeleteUn besooote
Thank you so much to all! I know that it's hard in the beginning... for example right now I'm so great!!! But in a few hours maybe I am so bad... I can't wait for start the colleges courses... that will keep me busy and I'll know more people! :)
ReplyDeleteAt least I have a good Host Family!!! :D
Thank you!!! :D
And I hope you are enjoying my blog! Sometimes with good feelings and sometimes crying, but I hope you like it! hahaha :)
Hola, estoy leyendo muchos blogs sobre personas que están de au pair en América. Estoy pensando en hacer la solicitud para trabajar de Au pair pero antes me gustaría contactar con alguna de vosotras porque no sé si hace falta mas dinero aparte del que te da la empresa AuPairCare o si las condiciones que se exponen en la página se cumplen...nose ando un poco liada y me gustaría que me ayudaras. Por cierto soy Laura! jeje que ni me presento. Enhorabuena por el blog!
ReplyDeleteHolaa! Pues hay agencias en las que si te piden mas dinero, y además antes de encontrar familia. Con la agencia que yo he ido (Au Pair Care) solo son 300€ (+visado, que depende del cambio de $ a € cambia, pero al rededor de 100€). Con Au Pair Care empiezas todo el proceso y tal y una vez que haces MATCH con una familia, pagas. Por supuesto, no todas las experiencias son buenas, yo puedo decir que la mia, hasta ahora, lo esta siendo. Depende de la directora de area que tengas, tendras mas posibilidades de que te ayuden cuando tienes problemas o no.. La verdad que es un poco loteria... Aunque si te puedo decir, que la mayor parte de las veces suelen ponerse mas de parte de la familia ya que ellos pagan muchisimo mas que nosotras.. Asi que lo mas importante es elegir bien la familia! :)
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias por leerme! :D Si tienes mas dudas, no dudes en preguntar! :D