(With Ann-Christine)
Hey! :)
This is my second week in SF (the 3rd in the U.S).
The last week ended better than started... In my last post I told you how bad I am feeling... I have to say that I'm still homesick, overcoat in the mornings.
Well, I am going to explain how was my week and giving more details! :)
(but I dont have too much to say xD)
The days after the "bad bad day" were better. The baby slept more and the mood was better. That's all that I can say about the work... Is a baby and only eat, play and sleep..
On Thursday I went with Ann-Christin to Japantown, we had fun! haha We went to dinner to a Japan Restaurant (it's Japantown, the weird thing was be eat indian food xD) Anyways.. xD we eat California rolls and Tari Taji (or something like that.. was noodels with egg and "chicken"). When we were waiting for the bill, she saw a MOUSE. Yes, a mouse inside the restaurant, and other people form the other tables also saw it but was like a normal thing... and I was freaking out xD hahaha
For dessert we went to eat some Frozen Yogurt!! :)
The next day I went with my Host mom to Costco... It's like in Spain "Makro", but bigger... haha. All is super big. We went to buy some stuff.. but anything more.. hahaha.
Well, my host mom bought to me a bunch for my room! She said that they wanted to buy it for my "welcoming" but they didn't have time. Really, my host family is so nice.
They also said to me to make a little party with more Au Pairs! I have to plan it!! :)
On Saturday night, we went to Marina (in the north of SF). I went with Ann-Christin and Stina to eat something (we ate pizza). We were walking over there and talking... We had to work in the next day so we didn't do so much! haha
I have to say that I saw a Street, it was MALLORCA Street! I was so happy when I saw that! Hahaha :) I have a little part of all of you here! :D
I spent the night alone because my host parents had a dinner with friends and spent the night there. I was not so homesick because I was tired and I went to sleep when I arrive.
But Sunday was my day off! I have to say that a tear (only one) ran over my face. It's because when I have a lot of time free I start thinking, and it's not good. For lunch I went to Mission Dolores Park for a picnic with more au pairs!!! :) Stina came to my home and we went to buy some things for the picnic. My host mom gave us a blanket, forks, knifes, spoons, napkins, plates... ahaha She is so nice!!! So we went to Whole Foods to buy some stuff and then we take the "train" to go there! :)
Almost all the au pairs in USA are from Brasil and Germany.. there are a lot of girls from there!!! Haha :)
We were there until 4.30pm. The girls were so nice!! And there were a lot of food, unhealthy food! Like cupcakes, chips, deeps, bread, cookies,...
After the picnic I went to Ann-Christin home to help her to dye her hair and see the Teen Choice Awards. Lena also was there (another au pair). We didn't dye her hair haha, but we ate a lot of unhealthy food!!! I was feeling so bad for that!! (not my tummy, my mind xD). We also order a pizza and was so good!
At 9.45pm I went to home after a wonderful day off! :) But when I was walking to home, I started to feel bad, homesick again.
I was talking with my host family about the schedule, and when we were talking I was almost crying (I hope they didn't feel it).
And then I went to my room and I started crying... Not too much, but enough.
Today I was better... my mood changes a lot... It seems a roller coaster. As I said it's only the beginning and I have to meet more girls but when I think in my family I fall to pieces. I hope it goes soon.
Today I didn't went to anywhere after work because a friend of my host dad came for dinner. But I am Ok! :)
Tomorrow maybe I go to downtown with Stina and other Au Pairs.. Let's see what happens. I'll try to make more photos because these days I am not taking enough.
So, now I am going to bed because it's 12am! And tomorrow I have to work. I'm starting at 10am to 6pm.
Wish me luck!!
Love youuuu <3
P.S. My bunch:
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