So as I promised, I am here to write!! hahaha :D
So on Thursday was THANKSGIVING! (aka. the turkey day! haha xD). We had guests for dinner (4 people). We had deviled eggs, Sweet Potatoes, Mash potatoes (my favorites), gravy (is the sauce from the turkey), stuffing (is the mix that you cook inside the turkey, with dried bread, (in my case) sausage, celery..), homemade cranberry sauce, comercial cranberry sauce, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, salad and TURKEY!!!
The turkey was really amazing, it had a beautiful color! I think it was around 12-14 lb (6 kg). The turkey was in the oven for around 4 hours.. haha xD
I made (with my host mom instructions) the sweet potatoes, mash potatoes, pecan pie and deviled eggs. And then I helped with the stuffing, pumpkin pie and the Turkey :)
It was great, but actually is like a big dinner... nothing else... I mean, in the beggining we said thank you and hold our hands, but that was the only special thing.
But It's not a criticism, I really loved it!!
There's not too much more to say, so I'm gonna post a few pictures for you to see how was my dinner! :D
Hope you enjoy them! :D
Putting the stuffing inside the Turkey
The sweet potatoes and stuffing
My PECAN PIE! :D It was delicious! :D
And the TURKEY!
Thank you for reading me! :D
Love youuu <3
P.S. I'm really thinking about extending :)